There are and so many people out at that place who take the same story to tell the same grief that will remain with them until their fourth dimension comes to join their loved one.  I am writing this with the hope that the teenagers out in that location might read this and understand the thing that they are thinking nearly doing from a dissimilar perspective.

Please if you are feeling similar taking your life is the only option for you, and so earlier yous plan annihilation else Stop!!!  but for 30 minutes – only turn those thoughts off and consider this.  It is the to the lowest degree that yous can do for your loved ones.

Yous need to know that you are valued by people – by the correct people, the people who can make a difference for y'all.  If your female parent or father knew simply how desperately y'all were feeling would you have the courage to tell them before information technology is likewise tardily?  I know things seem similar in that location is no escape but there is and the motion picture of your life when y'all get through this crisis is a happy ane.  If yous could just imagine how wonderful that could exist.  When you were picayune you had aspirations to become a what?  Dont give up on your dreams, they are out there. Tin can yous recall what you were like when you were little, I'm so sure y'all would accept been a beautiful footling package of joy!  What did you have trouble pronouncing?  My son could non say umbrella he called it a rumbrela and spaghetti was bisgetti.  I bet y'all had those words also!

You demand to know that at that place are so many people who can assistance you and want to aid yous to get through this, so many numbers that you tin phone call and every single one of these people has enough love and kindness in their heart to help you.  They don't know you, but they love you – how nearly that!  Pick up the phone, at the very least you owe your family that much. I have enough dear and kindness in my center to want to help you and if yous want to message me I volition mind, I'g not a counsellor I am a mum who lost her son to suicide and now I desire to exist able to salve your life!  Please let me help you with my words and guide you to the identify where I can get you the love and assistance that you need right now.

As I am writing this I endeavor to call up of how this is making you feel – I don't want yous to exist annihilation more than who you lot are, because you are awesome!!!!!  I have no expectations of you other than to stay alive.  I dont intendance what race you are, what faith, your sexuality or any secrets y'all may have, I just desire you to know that a full stranger can beloved you.  I expect that it is quite hard to see the words as they come in and out of focus every bit your tears are blurring your vision, I expect you are thinking what can anyone offer me as I take already made my decision.  I desire you to know that I want to offering you your life back.  Lets start once again, lets connect with the right people – allow's think about the happy times alee.  At that place is more courage in picking up the phone or messaging or talking to someone (a family unit member, your teacher, your friends mother, a friend or maybe someone who was dainty to you in the past) we all accept the same expectation of saving you lot considering we all know that yous are worth it.

Exercise you know that my son died 13 years agone this year and the pain in my heart is such a huge brunt.  I will take to live with that for the residuum of my life.  He would never accept wanted to injure me in this way.  He didn't realise.  You wouldn't want to do that when y'all have then much more to give.  You know that you take that love to requite – only people like you do.  When I recollect about that day in my life, I recollect "if just I had done this, if only I had washed that".  I practice this and it happens everyday, and every single person that I have spoken to over the years says exactly the aforementioned.  As parents, friends, family we will proceed punishing ourselves considering we couldn't save that life.  Yous take a choice, is that what you desire to practise – not a possibly.  Information technology has taken me this long to be able to talk about my son'south decease openly – xiii years – that is a long time when I wait at it on paper.  I don't want you to experience sad for me, I want yous to think of your circle of family unit and friends – y'all do accept them.  You might hate some of them at the moment because they take injure you.  Only what most the rest of them,  in 13 years time what will they be thinking?…

One of the most common reasons for feeling the way that y'all practise is because of being bullied.  At that place is admittedly no excuse for this sort of behavior.  IT IS NOT YOUR Error!!  Sometimes I call up about this and feel real aggression towards the people who hurt my son in this mode.  I will go back through the "why did I not do enough?" a million times.  My son did ask for assistance – he did tell me that he was being bullied, I idea that nosotros were on elevation of information technology – nosotros were not.  I feel disgusted with myself for not knowing how serious things were.  I DO Non Desire YOU TO Go TO THAT Point!  It is not a waste material of fourth dimension to nip any form of inappropriate behavior in the bud.  You know that by talking well-nigh this that you just might help that person to get a better version of themselves and they have yous to thank for that.  As an older person when you are driving down the street and you run across that person and how well they have washed y'all volition be able to say "that is considering of me!"  Merely you lot have to exist here and cull life to see this.

I hope that y'all take read enough to recollect almost the consequences and only try to help me to help you.  Information technology would brand me so proud of you!

If anyone else wants to contribute as a professional or any other parents out in that location that want to offer their opinion lets meet what we can practise to aid.

Mandy xx

Thank you for joining me!

Good visitor in a journey makes the fashion seem shorter. — Izaak Walton
